Latinpol Dorota Witkowska

mazowieckie - Polska

Zarządzanie projektami

Project Management

Tłumaczenia pisemne

Translations from English, Russian, Spanish and Arabic into Polish

Doradztwo marketingowe

International marketing consultancy

Wynajem pokoi gościnnych

Auntie Dottie Rest House Warsaw

Nauka języka polskiego dla cudzoziemców

Teaching Polish language and culture in Warsaw for local and visiting Warsaw foreigners, both children and adults (preferably mothers, grandpas and children upto 15), through conversations, learning popular and traditional ethnic songs, poems, plays, reading books, newspapers and journals, visiting museums, concert halls and theathres, cooking together local meals and easy and soft outdoor fitness in parks and green areas of Warsaw and its suberbs such as Zegrzyńskie lake.
Wyróżnieni dostawcy